Austrian Alpine Summer Playgrounds – Holiday with Children

I found myself craving a summer holiday with our three small children and began searching what we could possibly do that would be fun for the kids, the least amount of hassle for the adults, where we would ALL be entertained for multiple days on end, and is stroller friendly. Does this magical formula exist? I am happy to say a resounding YES, it does! I present you the Austrian alps and their glorious alpine playgrounds. Austrian Alps with Kids The Austrian alps have entered the chat! Let me tell you that the Austrian alps are the most kid friendly […]

Hi Again

She’s back 🙂 Hi friends, it’s been a long time, but I’m back in action and want to share our adventures with you again. Since I stopped posting about our travels, we moved to Charleston South Carolina, had a handful of kids, and moved back to Stuttgart when our twins were just four months old. We moved around a lot within Stuttgart with a toddler and infant twins (this is a saga for another time) and now our youngest are almost two years old and I find that I have a few minutes of free time again… which means more […]

Happy Holidays from Our Home to Yours and a 2020 Recap

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from our home to yours! We have been very fortunate to be able to finally move into our home in downtown Charleston just before Christmas, and have been working non-stop trying to get settled in by Christmas and before baby arrives in a quick month! Please accept our digital version of a Christmas card this year – y’all know how much I love sending out paper holiday cards but with the renovation, move, and prep for the holidays and creating a space for baby, they may be coming to you about a month late this […]

A Season of Anticipation

I’ve been a bit quiet on the blog lately because I feel like we’ve been in a long season of ‘in-between’, waiting to come out on the other side and we just… aren’t… there yet.  I’ve started geting so anxious to feel some semblance of settled months after we made the big move from Stuttgart Germany to Charleston SC, yet have not quite felt it yet!   We packed up our Stuttgart home back on July 15th, said auf Weidersehen to a wonderful city and friends, and sent all of our belongings on a ship to sail across the ocean to Charleston, where they currently reside […]

We’re Renovating Our Home!!! Before Pictures and Renovation Plans

I can FINALLY share with y’all that we are renovating our beloved historic Charleston Single house!!! EEEK!!! For the Last Twelve Months… Believe it or not, David and I have been planning this renovation for the past 12 months behind the scenes!  We closed on our house last spring and that July, a full year ago, we flew back to Charleston for a week in-between tenants.  We ‘glamped’ in our house on an air mattress, painted a few rooms, did some other minor touchups, and met with a ton of building trades to prep for a renovation in 2020.  We […]

We’ve Moved…!

After an amazing five years in Stuttgart, Germany, David and I have moved back to Charleston, SC (surprise)!  It was a part of our plan to stay for about five years in Stuttgart and then return to our beloved southern city.  I had hinted about a lot of changes coming in 2020 back in this post, and after what felt like months and months of waiting around, covid shutting down most of our last trips, and covid stressing us out about being able to even move back, everything finally fell into place in June and then we essentially spent most […]

A Very Happy Quarantine Birthday at Home

Hey friends!  Last weekend I turned 32 and had such a sweet day spending it at home with my husband.  It landed on Memorial day this year, and while we had a fun outing with friends wine walking through our local vineyards on Sunday, I wasn’t really expecting much for my actual birthday.  I mean, usually we celebrate it by spending a week in Mykonos – so the fact that we were “stuck at home” without availability to travel anywhere wasn’t getting me very excited.  But, spending it at home this year with Dave really was so sweet! I told […]